Harmon's Electric, 612 N Independence in the south alley

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The culture of the 1980s has been described as a colorful confetti explosion of creativity. Enid artist Tox Murillo captured the essence of the 80s and painted it onto a 14′ by 98′ canvas of cool.

Elements in this mural include:

President Ronald Reagan
John Travolta
Van Halen guitar
Space Shuttle Challenger
Movie “Gremlins”
Movie “The Never Ending Story”
Mr. Rogers
Tom Selleck
Skeletor from the Masters of the Universe franchise
Movie “The Karate Kid”
Yoda from the movie “Star Wars”
E.T. from the movie “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial”
Nintendo game system
“99 Luftballons” song by Nena
Lyrics from “Beds are Burning,” song by Midnight Oil
Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and Slimer from movie “Ghostbusters”
Michael Jackson from “Thriller”
Pac-Man video game
Movie “Transformers”
Mario Brothers video game
Movie “The Goonies”
MTV logo
“867-5309 Jenny” song by Tommy Tutone
DeLorean and Flex Capacitor from movie “Back to the Future”
Max Headroom
Rubik’s Cube
Sony Walkman

Completed in December 2020, the 80s Pop Culture Mural is located in the alley of the 600 block of N Independence.