Public Art

There’s a fun element of surprise to public art. It may spark an unexpected discussion or prove to be an exciting opportunity for a selfie. It brings a new kind of beauty and originality to the area. It enhances our local culture. At times, it reminds us that there is art all around us.

Enid’s cultural and historic diversity is reflected throughout our city in a vibrant array of sculptures and murals! Take a stroll or a drive and enjoy each of these beautiful, unique works of art.

Downtown Public Art

  • Enid Woman

    Garfield Furniture (south wall), 201 S Grand

  • God Bless America

    421 S Grand

  • Gray’s Courtyard Mural

    223 N Independence

  • Holden Art Gallery

    128 N Independence

  • Indian Territory

    Simpson's Old Time Museum, 228 E Randolph

  • Ivan the Astronaut Monkey

    Natural Remedies MMJ, 225 W Cherokee

  • Keeper of the Plains

    Garfield County Courthouse, 114 W Broadway

  • Lazy Circles in the Sky

    100 E Garriott (corner of Garriott & Grand)

  • Leonardo’s Gate

    Leonardo's Children's Museum, 200 E Maple

  • Little Sisters of Liberty

    Garfield County Courthouse, 114 W Broadway

Public Art Around Enid

  • Escape the Indoors

    Cimarron Council Boy Scouts, 317 N Grand

  • Faces of Hope

    Enid SPCA, 1116 Overland Trail

  • Feeding Our Neighbors

    Loaves & Fishes, 701 E Maine

  • Flanders Flowers

    Unique Designs, 1814 N Grand

  • Fresh Beginnings

    Da Vinci's Coffee House, 813 S Van Buren

  • Friday

    Grand Ave. Haze Dispensary, 1520 N Grand

  • Girl of Peace

    St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, 518 W Randolph

  • Giving Thanks

    Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center, 507 S 4th

  • Grillin’ Together

    606 W Willow, the former Big Country Meat Market location

  • Healing Garden

    Integris Health Enid Hospital, 600 S Monroe