Lazy Circles in the Sky at the corner of Grand and Garriott was installed on September 12, 2019, a joint effort between The Public Arts Commission of Enid and Keep Enid Beautiful. The artist is Michael Shuck. The Sculpture draws its name from the musical, Oklahoma. “Oklahoma, Ev’ry night my honey lamb and I, Sit alone and talk and watch a hawk making lazy circles in the sky.”
This sculpture was conceived as a gateway to downtown Enid and the red-tailed hawks taking flight toward downtown draws your attention to the many attractions in the downtown area. The red-tailed hawk has recently been named a state symbol like the scissor-tailed flycatcher and mistletoe and is commonly seen in the skies of Northwestern Oklahoma. Shuck drew on his memories of drives thru Northwestern Oklahoma with his parents as he looked out the window and watched the hawks soaring around in the sky and he hopes this brings back fond memories for others. The sculpture is made of 3/4” plates of corten steel. The steel will take on a rusty brown appearance as it weathers. The color is meant to match the color of the red-tailed hawk. The color comes from a protective layer of rust that make the sculpture almost maintenance free. The sculpture will be wrapped at the base with a collection of natural grasses that will complement and blend in with the other landscaping downtown.