We spend hundreds, even thousands, of hours a week engaging with a wide range of media sources. We all experience a near-constant barrage of incoming information. Combine that with the human brain’s reaction to stress or fear, and conditions are ripe for the spread of misinformation.
In this course, you will learn from media and misinformation experts about the falsehoods, slander, prejudice, and bad ideas that fall under the umbrella terms of disinformation and misinformation. All classes meet on Fridays and begin at 3:30 P.M.
To receive a link for participating via Zoom email mholmes@enid.org.
June 9: The Misinformation Threat
June 16: The Evolution of Media and Misinformation
June 23: Misinformation and the Brain
June 30: Seeing Through Visual Misinformation
July 7: Countering Fakes and Stereotypes in Media
July 28: Journalistic Verification Skills
August 4: Assessing Science and Health News
August 11: Technology, Misinformation, and the Future